We are expecting Final Draft early in July

See link below to follow

October 2nd  2023 

meeting available online

see link below:


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Meeting Dates for 2024
May 6  7pm Zoom Meeting
June 3, 7pm, In Person Multi-Media Room   

July 1,  7pm In Person Multi-Media Room

​​Aug 5, or 12, 7pm In Person Conf. Rm A 

Sept 9, 7pm In Person Conf. Rm A

Oct 7, TBA

May meeting will be via Zoom. 

The rest of our meetings are in person see room locations. August date is still pending. It will be in Conf. Rm A ​

All meetings will be held at the Westbrook Town Hall unless Covid restrictions prevail.


*See Archives for Agendas and Minutes of Meetings


​Candidates' Forum Oct 4, 2021

To view video, click here.

Candidates' Forum Oct 7, 2019 -
To view video, clickhere.

Candidates' Forum Oct 1, 2018 - 
To view video, click here.

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President- Pat Marcarelli
Vice President - Cindy Howard
Treasurer - Steve Smith
Secretary - Ann Cole


​ Welcome

to Westbrook

committee updates

2024 Meeting NOTICES




The Town of Westbrook is the recipient of a grant from National Fish and Willdife Foundation (NFWF) Long Island Sound Futures Fund (LISFF) to prepare a multi town Coastal Resiliency Plan in partnership with the neighboring Towns of Clinton, Old Saybrook and the Borough of Fenwick. The Westbrook Committee will be working with a consultant and the community to analyze, coordinate, and prepare the Coastal Resiliency Plan.  The plan will address the impacts of climate change, storm surge, flooding, extreme weather events, and sea level rise, and will identify projects to address the risks and hazards to infrastructure and coastal properties (public and private).  Community engagement is essential to the development of a successful plan. On August 19th the consultant will hold a pop up event at the Westbrook Town Beach to obtain community feedback. This will be a great time to voice your opinions on any areas of concern.  Click here to connect to the Westbrook Coastal Resiliency Committee webpage.

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​​​Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD) Committee - Westbrook   

Click here to review the Revised Draft of the 2021-2031 Plan of Conservation and Development.   

​An update of the plan is required every ten years.


​​​Westbrook Economic Action Initiative (WEAI) 

​​Andy Schatz, Jim Crawford and Tony Cozza have been working very hard with this group in order to help our young, local residents to achieve their goals in both bettering themselves and preparing them to move forward in life and hopefully continue to serve our community.  Leslie Carson our Career/College Readiness Coordinator at Westbrook High School is also on the Board. Click here to learn more about WEAI.


​​​Literacy Volunteers

Literacy Volunteers is looking for additional Tutors.  They are an organization staffed mostly by volunteers, located in the Westbrook Library that teaches English to those in the area who are not conversant in English.  For additional information please contact.  Joanne Argersinger at 860-399-0280 or jarsinger@lvvs.org. Learn more by clicking here.



Harbor Master News:

Harbor Management Happenings from John Rie, Chairman Commission Management: Click here.

Mooring Permits are $30 
The Harbor Commission will be reviewing the rule regarding Moorings and will have updated information available om the Town website. Click here for online moorings step-by-step procedures to apply or renew your mooring.


Hurricane Preparedness -  For more information, see westbrookem.com

A Message from Westbrook Emergency Management.  Click here.

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Animal Control Officer: 

Caroline Fountain

203-780-1311.  Click here for more information.

From the Town:  Regarding Public (not private) Beaches:  Ordinances - Dogs and Other Pet Animals

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Town Review of Westbrook Zoning Regulations

Westbrook is reviewing Zoning Regulations.  For more details, click here.

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Planning Commission 

Westbrook Hazardous Mitigation Plan

Meeting September 16, 2019--7pm

Multi Media Room, Town Hall

This is the final Public Hearing for 

FEMA compliance before all findings are sent to the State of CT.

This will deal in Emergency Planning, Floods and Flood insurance.

Click here to view Public Meeting No 1 07-29-2019

Click hereto view Public Meeting No 2 09-29-2019 


Thank you to all that participated

July 13th

It poured down rain

BUT! we raised a record

$14,300 + still growing &

2,400lbs of food

Largest Westbrook Food Drive Ever!

Way to go Westbrook


                BIG NEWS!!!

         Ad-Hoc Committee

Final Report due out any day now!

The New Ad Hoc Committee held their first meeting earlier this spring. This is a Sub-Committee established by the Westbrook Zoning Commission. It was a very productive meeting and it was agreed that our NCD Zones should be addressed as a priority. Since then they have met several times and are now in the position to release their suggestions for changes for Our Zoning districts throughout Town.

We are eagerly awaiting their findings. 

This will not only enhance our Town with the right businesses in the right area, but will keep our Town a great place to live and do business.


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Residential/ Retail Proposed For Westbrook Outlets


JULY 22nd 2024

7pm. Town Hall 

Zoning Commission 

Presentation by the developers hearing happened July18th at the High School, Sad to say the fix is in. This Project will happen. Just a matter of how we as residents can modify it. This is your Tax Dollars .

We'll be out in force at the Zoning Commission meeting July 22nd Be there.


The Economic Development Commission & Westbrook Council of Beach Associations


The Westbrook Merchants 

Please support our local 


​Visit www.visitwestbrookct.com

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August 7th

Special Zoning Meeting

Town Hall 7pm

Major Hearing as to our Neighborhood districts 

Will be effected.

Come and scream about this!

Cannabis can still come to a street near you.

In December, the Westbrook Zoning Commission approved a cannabis retail establishment at 755 Boston Post Road.  This approval was given even after over 100 citizens attended zoning meetings to request that the commission reject this proposal.  An organization called "Westbrook Citizens" was formed, and in turn, hired an attorney and filed an appeal. Prior to the hearing the applicant withdrew their application. Thus no Cannabis shop.

At the Oct. 23rd meeting an agreement to have a moratorium was discussed, voted and passed. This will extend any future applications until July of 2024.

To see a full presentation about the concerns related to the cannabis retail establishment at 755 Boston Post Road, Click Here

To learn more and/or join Westbrook Citizens, follow this link: www.westbrookcitizens.com

To access zoning commission agendas and minutes, Click Here 

Please follow and make your own choice.

We as a community organization bring this to you.

The Westbrook Citizens Group is still currently accepting donations for their Legal Funds

​Again this is all your choice.​

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On October 3, 2022 the WCOB

hosted the Connecticut Department of Energy &

Environmental Protection (DEEP)

Kathleen Perzanowski
Environmental Analyst II
Land and Water Resources Division
Bureau of Water Protection & Land Reuse
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Brian Golembiewski (Enforcement Program Supervisor), Diane Ifkovic (FEMA/Flood management)

presented the  

"Connecticut Beach Association's Guide to Coastal Activities and Permitting." 

Click Here for the power point presentation or

you can click this link for the live recording of the DEEP Presentation. ​Thank you to the Westbrook High School students who recorded the event.

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Special Guest Speaker Jessica Beach,

Chief Resilience Officer for the 

City of St-Augustine

​​The town of Westbrook will begin work on a Resilience Plan next year. Please take a moment to listen to Jessica's presentation.  It will be most helpful to our community as we begin the planning process.  She is extremely knowledgeable and offers many resources that the town of Westbrook will be able to leverage. 

Click here  for powerpoint presentation
watch it live on the Valley Shore Community Television Click here

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   Affordable Housing Subcommittee

​The town of Westbrook is in the process of preparing an affordable housing plan as required by the State law. An Affordable Housing Plan Subcommittee comprised of members of local boards and agencies has started the process of preparing the plan. The subcommittee will be looking at the current and anticipated future housing needs in Westbrook and will be recommending policies and action steps to address them. Community input is an important part of the overall process of preparing the plan and your input will help the working group in developing strategies, policies and action steps.  

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The Alleviating Hunger Committee

In August 2016, the Westbrook Council of Beaches established the Alleviating Hunger Committee to provide food to those in need and educate our community on hunger and poverty.  Some of the initiatives include:  

  • Food collection for local food pantries click here  Please join us on Tuesday between 1:30 and 2:30pm, at St. Mark's Church for grocery distribution.

Options for contributing food:

Bring food donations to St. Mark's between 9 am and 12 noon on any Monday. 
Bring food to COB meetings, and we will bring your donation to one of the food pantries. 
Get in touch with the Alleviating Hunger Committee and we will arrange to pick up your food donation. 

     -Consider helping out at the Valley Shore YMCA Vegetable Garden.  One way you could help is letting them know if you have any cardboard that they could use to lay the wood chips on top of. If you do, please email Jon Capozzoli at jcapozzoli@vsymca.org.  He is the new contact for all things to do with the garden.  The Community Garden will open this year.  It is vital to the Westbrook Food Pantry that they are able to grow fresh local produce for those in need.  We hope 
that even through the current situation you are all on board to join them for this growing season! ​(5-28-2020)

     -COB has seven volunteers supporting the Friday Night meals at 6pm at the Westbrook Congregational Church.

     -COB members can make monetary or gift card donations to support Westbrook families in need.  If you would like to contribute, please contact Elizabeth Carpenter, Westbrook Social Services Coordinator at ecarpenter@westbrookct.us.  Her office is in Town Hall, next to the First Selectman’s Office. Her phone number is 860-399-3090.

The Committee is always looking for volunteers.  If you have an interest or would like further information, please contact us at  ajcbeachboy@comcast.net    Our members are Mary Polchaninoff, Barbara Alessio, Kit Bishop,Tony Cozza, Andy Schatz and Jim Crawford.  All have been great resources for us. Our student members are Juliana Frabreizi, Gavin Lebrec, Jackie Grace and Seth Caslin. 
